Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Because feeling great and looking radiant are both connected, we combine facial acupuncture with body acupuncture in a holistic treatment for optimal results. Cosmetic acupuncture has been used in Asia for thousands of years. The guiding principle is that the foundation of radiant beauty is good health.

The treatments involve using fine gold or stainless steel needles to address wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, dull complexion, cellulite, eczema and acne.

Trained by renowned cosmetic acupuncture expert Radha Thambirajah we use traditional techniques such as Guasha, Cupping and Tuina (massage) in addition to acupuncture.

For optimal results we recommend twice weekly treatments for three weeks followed by weekly treatments. Complexion and fine lines usually appear improved after first treatment. Wrinkles and sagging skin or skin conditions usually significantly improve after 8 treatments.

One treatment: £250

Course of 5 treatments £1000

Course of 10 treatments £1900

All courses require a 50% deposit