london Acupuncture services

Esther Holford provides an in-depth overview of the range of acupuncture treatments available, tailored to address various health concerns and enhance overall well-being. From treating specific conditions to supporting holistic health, our services are designed with a personalized approach to ensure both effectiveness and safety. With a strong foundation in professional qualifications and adherence to the British Acupuncture Council's standards, we prioritize quality and trust in every treatment.

Acupuncture gets results

Acupuncture is used worldwide as an effective treatment for many conditions. Acupuncture is used for many conditions with an excellent safety record.

It is used in the NHS and has been recommended in the NICE guidelines.

Acupuncture can be used alongside medicine

Many people prefer not take medication long term especially for conditions such as chronic pain. With acupuncture treatment many medications can be reduced or stopped. This is always done in conjunction with the patient's GP.

The philosophy of acupuncture is that it treats the root cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms. Acupuncture diagnosis is conducted on an individual basis.

Acupuncture has been used to prevent illness by creating balance within the body and create and maintain a positive emotional state.


Being a member of the British Acupuncture Council means that the practitioner has met their clinical, ethical, safety and academic standards.

The practitioner will first take a full health history to get a complete picture of the patient as a whole. Observations such as pulse and tongue will be taken to form a diagnosis and a treatment strategy.

Acupuncture treatment involves inserting very fine solid steel or gold needles into acupuncture points around the body. Needles are used only once then discarded.

Tuina massage may be used in conjunction with acupuncture for musculo-skeletal conditions.